Who we are

Daungan is an online support system for the psycho-spiritual care of Filipino seafarers and their family. Few realise that there is a crisis happening in this population. The temporary separation, the cycle of reunion-departure and related demands take its toll not just on the individuals involved but on the family unit as a whole. This site aims to provide an avenue for care as they face this challenge.


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This project is an affiliate of UGAT Foundation, Inc. Ugat is a Jesuit apostolate for grassroots families based in Ateneo de Manila University under the supervision of Fr. Nilo E. Tanalega, SJ. It conducts its ministry through psychological interventions and family systemic approaches. Since it deals with the disadvantaged sector of society, it aggressively monitors human rights issues which may grossly disenfranchise them. The cause of advocacy is close to its heart. Ordinarily though, enrichment and curative services are offered to this sector which composes the largest segment of the national population.